Tuesday, October 7, 2008


Alright, screw introduction and I'll just go straight to the point.

Bangkok trip was great and we are going there again but lately I feel like I want to cancel my trip. I don't know why but it just had me thinking, I could have put that money for other good use. Regrettably, the tickets had been booked on the second day we've returned back to Singapore. Crazy I know. Without long thoughts we decided to just go. Well maybe they need not the long thoughts, I was the one who needed that long thoughts and my final decision is that I don't feel like going but since we've already booked things and stuff, I guess I have no choice but go with the flow.

Right now I'm working back in Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf. Yeah like what the fuck am I working there again. Screw it. A job is better than having no job. Still suck la as I'm only earning below 1k. Haha. Yeah that's my target to bring back at least 1k each month but I still got long way to go. Nope I'm not a manager but just a small peanut barista. Haha. Oh in this case small coffee bean. Been working there for one month and a week. Kinda suck and feel over worked sometimes. Screw it as I'm a pantry maid. Fuck. Feel like a bitch/slut behind the gormet counter. What a story to tell my future children and grandchildren. The best suckiest thing is that since I'm nice to them, I feel like being stepped everytime. Screw it, that's me. A sole padding.

About a day back in bangkok or was it two days, I've open a new chapter. Yeah. No one special but I guess this one is special because we've known each other through the net for almost 3-4 years and only that day I decided to meet up. Well this chapter is going slow but as usual, paranoid and freaks and psychotic mind are coming back at the same time. Not to forget suspicion and assumption always occurs in my head and I don't like it when I'm right. Argh screw it. How I wish a brain bank exist so I can find a brain that doesn't have these characteristic so I can live and die happily.

So now we know what's in my mind and how fucking shitty I've been feeling for the past two month since my last update talking about government money and shits. Now it's my life my rules. Fucking-shit-pissed-off-screw-your-dad's-ass. I so need to drugged myself with lots of chill pill so I can overdose and stuck at Hougang Chalet. Sure that's will be my sanctuary big time. Haha.

Well right now what keeps my mind relax is this song. The information I've got from my manager, who is a Filipino by the way, this band is from the Philippines. Great lyrics and nice chilling tunes. Feel sad at first listening to the song but the lyrics is more than that. It's the kind of song where it motivates you to move on and go on with your life and there's no point in looking down. Just hold your head up high.

So enjoy the song, RedRulz is back. Sorry for the Silence all these while. I'll try to fill in more soon. I'll see ya when I see ya.

8th October 2008, 11:55 AM

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