Thursday, February 14, 2008


It's better to have loved and lost
never to have love at all.

Reflecting it on myself, I'm fortunate what I was loved before. I guess I can't really relate the second part of the phrase. Pretty much by just seeing this sentence it really hurts to be at the other side but some people think otherwise.

To Have Loved And Lost.

To have loved and lost is hurting. It could make one go insane, doing unthinkable things and make irrational decision. Pretty much it could harm someone if he/she isn't strong enough. Lost of appetite, lost hopes and could also possibly lost everything that he/she believe in. In other words, they lock themselves and threw the key away and lose all the screws they have in their brains. It could really be that deadly but not everyone are like that.

The stronger ones will move on and continue living on with the pain in their hearts and knowing that one day there will be someone to amend their broken hearts. Putting much faith in destiny and humanity that they will hope to never have to go through such pain again if ever to have a new love. Not to forget, praying to the God they worship.

Some stronger once gave up the opposite sex and go with the same. Now that's hurting. This is true and seriously I can't side either one of them of who to blame. They have their own reasons and they have their own preference. Until today most of us wondered why. Now that is something for all of us to think and find out.

Still there are the forth kind to this too. Gave up on love and just prefer to be alone. Seems like loneliness can be the only friend they have or should I say love. Choose to live their life alone as so not to break their own hearts and others. Knowing that they were once loved and had done once in their life time, was a satisfaction to them and it was enough. So to speak they could die peacefully.

Than Never To Have Love At All.

This is something I can't relate at all but to be in their shoes it's kind of depressing. The urge to love someone special in their life seems not happening or no one to give them love. Feel all alone and sad. No one to share their feelings to. As if like no one open their hearts to them as if they are a jinx to the society. Pretty it seems this group of people are the ones suffering most. Being alone since their school days until now by the age to 24. Now that's terrible.

Results of this effect is seriously kind of make me thinking. Is it worth it to be on this side or the other? To have loved and lost or never to have love at all? As for me I'm already belong to the group To Have Loved And Lost and to my experience, yes it was terrible feeling at first but as time passes by, we move on and with that we gain something that is to be strong and not to give up. Although I gave up on hope and just be like the wind. Let it blows to which ever direction it takes me and if someone to take me in, I'll go with them. Then again, I do want to be loved again but I'm just scared. But to think of myself in Never To Have Love At All, I'll be a super sad guy.

So I believe everyone should get a fair share of love. Not only for couples. Although he/she may not be special but as a friend. To remind them that they are not alone in this world. To remind them that they will always be remembered no matter how long and how far they have gone. That they will always be in our hearts.

Happy Valentine's Day everyone.


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